Terrence Masson
Higher Education Computer Graphics Creative Consultant

Beta site for an interactive history of computer graphics, allowing users to input text/image/video stories and make connections between the "People Behind the Pixels".

I worked with founder Adam Sodowick on initial business development and interactive projects including "Pulp Business" gamification of corporate training.

2012 Academy Award winner. I played a small role as consulting producer in the storyboard stage of pre-production; working on crew needs, resource and feasibility; am very grateful for the "Special Thanks" credit.

An augmented reality iPad application serving the architectural visualization market. Produced in partnership with Northeastern University Creative Industries senior capstone students.
Walt Disney Pictures
Douglas Trumbull
Northeastern University
South Park
Crest Animation Studios
Kleiser - Walczak
Industrial Light + Magic
Digital Domain
Warner Brothers
Universal Studios
True Office
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Sony Pictures Imageworks
-VIEW Conference, Torino Italy
October 15-20, 2023
Conference Advisor & Panelist : AI in Education
- RTC: Real Time Economic Summit
Museum of the Moving Image, Brooklyn, NY
May 15-16, 2023
Speaker: Education working session, challenges of real-time technology
- AI & The Lens + Screen Arts Symposium
School of Visual Arts, SVA Theatre, NYC
March 18, 2023
Moderator and guest speaker
- GLAS Animation Festival (online)
April 8, 2022
Panel Moderator: "How to Get the Gig" - reprise!
- Netflix Animation (corporate) : internal education and training, invited talk
April 6, 2022
"Accelerating Script to Screen"
- GLAS Animation Festival (online)
April 16, 2021
Panel Moderator: "How to Get the Gig"
- Vancouver Art Gallery Advisory Board
"The Imitation Game: Visual Culture in the Age of Artificial Intelligence"
-Rochester Institute of Technology: Frameless XR Symposium
November 2020
Keynote: Mixed Reality and Lifelong Learning.
-VIEW Conference, Torino Italy
October 2019
Panel Moderator: Finding Your Voice
-Pixel Show. São Paulo, Brazil. The largest design conference in Latin America
October 2018
Keynote speaker "From Star Wars to South Park", 30 years of production stories.
-Annecy Festival of Animation. Annecy, France.
June, 2017
Panel organizer and speaker "Getting Hired and Staying Hired in Animation"
-IVA 2014, 14th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. Boston, MA.
August 28th, 2014
Animation and Collaboration
-CGAMESUSA - 19th Annual Conference on Computer Games: Louisville, Kentucky
July 28th - 30th, 2014
Keynote Speaker - “The History and Future of Animation”
-Journees AFIG / Paris ACM SIGGRAPH chapter: Limoges and Paris
November 28/29 2013
ACM Distinguished Speaker - A History of Computer Animation; screening and lecture
-MIAF 2013: 13th Annual Melbourne International Animation Festival. Melbourne, Australia June 2013
ACM Distinguished Speaker - A History of Computer Animation; screening and lecture
-RMIT University & Newcastle Universities. Australia
June 2013
ACM Distinguished Speaker - Creative Industries / Collaboration and Technology
-fmx2013: International Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Transmedia. Stuttgart, Germany, April 2013
Master of Ceremonies, Panel Speaker & Associate Board Member
-SWISSEX- Consulate of Switzerland: Cambridge, MA.
Oct.10th, 2012
Invited Lecture on “Game Art, Creative Industries and CG101” with Chris Solarski
-y4IT: 10th annual international workshop on Networking Issues in Multimedia Entertainment Manila, Philippines. Sept., 2012
ACM Distinguished Lecture invitation: Collaboration and the Creative Industries
-MIT Lincoln Lab: Lexington, MA. Aug.2nd, 2012
Distinguished Lecture Series on “Entertainment and Innovation : Special Effects and Movie Magic”
-Beijing Detao Masters Academy: Shanghai, China. July 10-15th, 2011 Toronto, ON.
Oct.27th, 2011
Invited “Master of animation, visual effects and Creative Industries”.
-DigiFEST: International Digital Media Festival. Toronto, ON.
Oct.27th, 2011
Invited Lecture on “Creative Industries: Collaborations in Films, Games and Academia”.
-ISEA 2011: 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art. Istanbul, Turkey.
Sept., 2011
Keynote - Revolution. Excellence. Agility.
-7th IEEE International Workshop on Networking Issues in Multimedia Entertainment.
Maui, HI. July, 2011
-Mundos Digitales: 10th Conference on Animation, VFX, Videogames & Digital Architecture.
A Coruña, Spain. July, 2011
-Game Education Summit - North American. Redmond, WA.
June, 2011
Invited Speaker - “Interdisciplinary Collaboration”
-British Consulate Trade Delegation. Liverpool, UK. April, 2011
Invited Guest presenter - Creative Industries
-PAX East. Boston, MA. March, 2011
Invited Panelist: “Getting the Most out of Game Education”; “Portfolios & Demos that Rock”
-Montreal International Game Summit. Montreal, Canada. Nov. 8th, 2010
Invited Speaker
-VIEW: 11th International Computer Graphics Conference. Torino, Italy. Oct.28th, 2010
Invited Speaker
-SIGGRAPH 2010: 37th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. LA, CA. July 2010
Opening Address - Conference Chair
-Università di Firenze, Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica. Firenze, Italy, May 15th, 2010
Invited Guest Speaker
-New Academy Of Fine Art (NABA) - Department Media Design & New Media Art.
Milano, Italy. May 11th 2010
Invited Guest Speaker
-Boston Museum of Science: “Living in a CG World” Jan.27th, 2010
Invited Lecture - “A brief history of computer graphics.”
-Global Entrepreneurship Week Boston, MA. Nov.17, 2009
Moderator “Making Your Name in a Changing Gaming Industry”
-Microsoft New England Research & Development Center Cambridge, MA. Oct.20, 2009
Guest Speaker along with Jason Schupbach
“The State of the State: Video Games in Massachusetts”
-ABC News. On camera interview “Ahead of the Curve” segment. July 2009
Discussing and promoting the 2009 SIGGRAPH Conference along with Mk Haley
-Game Education Summit. Carnegie Mellon Univ.’s ETC. June 16th-17th 2009
Lecture on building a Game Design curriculum at Northeastern Univ.
-History Channel: UFO Hunters / Season 3. Los Angeles, CA. Spring 2009
On-camera image analysis expert ... multiple episodes began airing 2009.
-Global Entrepreneurship Week Boston, MA. Nov.17-21st 2008
Moderator “Digital Media’s Leaders and Their Ideas”
Panelist “Creative Industries and the Global Economy”
-SIGGRAPH 2008 Conference Los Angeles, CA. August 2008
Presenting “35 Years of Computer Graphics: The Game Show!”
-History Channel: UFO Hunters / Season 2. Los Angeles, CA. Summer 2008
On-camera image analysis expert ... multiple episodes begin airing in September 2008.
-CgAM2008 : Global Conference for Advertising and Marketing Professionals. Los Angeles, CA. March 2008
Invited moderator and co-host (with Barbara Robertson).
-fmx/08 : 13th International Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Digital Media. Stuttgart, Germany, May 2008
Advisory Board member
-ANIMA Brussels Animation Festival: Invited lecturer, Brussels, Belgium, February 2008
The SIGGRAPH Animation Festival selection process, and A Brief History of Computer Graphics: From the 1940’s to tomorrow.
-FM Global Research Group: Guest Speaker, mid-year research meeting. July 20th, 2007
Blow It Up and Burn It! (But not for real) : How Hollywood has developed both practical special effects and digital visual effects to simulate very realistic pyrotechnics.
-IIFF (Institute for Independent Film Financing) : Invited Speaker, March 15th, 2007
The Animation Business in Flux: Evolving Trends & Emerging Opportunities for Filmmakers & Financiers
-Graphite 2006 : Keynote speaker, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Nov.29th - Dec.2th, 2006
International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
The Top 5 Things That Will Doom Your Animation Production
-Pixar Animation Studios : Presenting the 2006 Electronic Theater. October 30th, 2006
-fmx/06 : Stuttgart, Germany. Summer 2006.
Invited lecturer - 'How To Get Your Animated Short Rejected: Don't focus on excellence in story, editing, art direction, acting and cinematography
-Purdue University: PICET Speaker “Digital Cinema and Cinematography"
Oct. 13th-16th 2002
-The Art Institutes International: National Curriculum Panel member. April 30th, 2002
Advised on national-level curriculum restructuring; Focus on instituting a new interactive video game program; Specific areas included animation tools, techniques, and relevance to other existing courses.
-University California / Berkeley: “Advanced Computer-Aided Rendering and Animation” Nov.9th, 2001
-3D Festival “International Forum for 3D Graphics” : Copenhagen, Denmark.
Oct., 2000
-World Animation Celebration: Panel Speaker “How to prepare to get a job in animation”. May, 2000
-Imagine Con 2000 : FX Guest of Honor. Virginia Beach, Virginia. April 20th-23rd, 2000
-Director’s Guild of America (DGA) : Oct.1999
Improving Communication between VFX and Production.
Fellow panelists included Visual Effects Supervisors John Dykstra and John Bruno
-Lawrence Livermore Labs : “Science On Saturday” lecture series.
ILM’s “The Digital Creature Feature”. Feb.1998
-World Summit for Feature Films and Visual Effects : Invited Panelist. March 1998
Presented past work, including “Bunkie & Booboo” in Los Angeles, CA.
Fellow panelists included Directors Eric Armstrong and Henry Selick
-SIGGRAPH / Los Angeles Chapter: Guest Panel Speaker on Independent Animation. Feb.1996